This Interactive Kids Website Was a True Gem

Client: DGL Toys

When DGL Toys asked us to create an interactive website for kids and parents to learn about their newest toy launch – we were game.

The new toys were little jewel characters called “Gemlins”, with collections such as Sapphires, Emeralds, and Rubies. What made Gemlins extra-special was that they could be used as jewels on a bracelet or necklace, which were also available for purchase.

Communify did a great job capturing the playful aspect of the Gemlins, a product in the collectible toy space.

-Carlos Lopez, DGL Toys

Gemlins Website For Kids and Parents - mobile and laptop responsive website

We built a single page WordPress site and customized it with fun graphics and interactive slideshows that could be accessed by just scrolling and clicking around. We explored the existing branding and pushed the world of the Gemlins to new heights. In addition to meeting every character, kids and parents were able to read fun facts about each gemstone, review the products available, and download fun coloring sheets. What we ended up creating for DGL Toys was an entire interactive “world” where the Gemlins live and where kids can immerse themselves in Gemland.

Gemlins Website included thie add-on section showcasing their collections.

In the end, the client received so much positive feedback from the interactive landing page that they asked us to create even more surprises on the page for those visiting again and again with their children.
