Streamlining UX Development with Wireframes

Client: ProofPilot

The second phase of our collaboration with ProofPilot, a software company that provides cutting-edge scientific data for case studies and research studies, involved developing a more robust User Experience (UX) to their digital platform. This tasked us with examining and looking at ways to improve their entire platform. Our approach was divided into two parts: 1) create an administrative back-end that was intuitive and self-documenting to allow researchers to easily design their research studies; and 2) design a friendly front-end for participants that made it entertaining for them to join and contribute to their research studies.

ProofPilot wireframes and screens

What made this job challenging, was that the user experience had to accommodate 4 roles. Therefore, we implemented shifts in color and iconography to distinguish between the different roles and provide a mechanism for the user to quickly switch if needed. Custom flow charts were developed based on the needs of each role. Wireframes were designed for each step in the flow, allowing us to quickly convey ideas and different iterations to the client. These wireframes also acted as a technical outline for the development team, displaying the functionality required in the actual buildout.

To view the first phase of the project, developing ProofPilot’s overall brand, click here.

The Results

Out of 100s of wireframes developed, we created a streamlined user-experience. This gave them the opportunity to take the designs we came up with and customize their communication app with a more robust experience for in-person and video conferencing meetings across the globe. Then, we used the new design to rebrand the app giving them a uniform look and feel that encompassed who they are and who they will be.

Admin panel

The randomized controlled trial process hasn’t changed much in nearly a half century. Planning RCTs are a nightmare. We tasked Communify with not only creating something visually attractive and easy to use, but to work with us to take a process that cost millions and took years – and make it as easy as creating a blog…they came through.

Matthew Amsden, Cofounder & CEO
