Rebranding Strategy and Website Design for an Event Production Agency

Client: AOO Events

AOO doesn’t just do events – they make magic. Their work ranges from live events, charity events, and corporate events to weddings, private parties, and floral design. Everything they do is high-end and impeccable. They came to us looking to revamp their brand to better reflect who they are now. From colors and fonts to their logo and website design, we tackled this rebrand with as much passion as they put into their events.

With services like AOO Live, AOO Events, AOO Weddings and AOO Floral, AOO needed a suite of logos connecting the different branches of the brand, while still allowing them to grow in the future. Because their main goal is attracting new clients, we wanted to make sure that the logo we created spoke to the people they were trying to reach; people with discerning tastes and an eye for elegance.

We started by taking inspiration from AOO’s extraordinary catalog of dramatic event photos and choosing a slab serif typeface with powerful thicks and elegant thin lines for that immediate impact. With the constraint of only 3 letters to bring this high-end, cutting-edge identity to life, we joined the letters into one complete and original shape with no openings, just a thin line of connection and a solid base so that AOO really stands alone. A slight rotation on the OO’s make the curves even more distinguished and solidifies the brand. With multiple applications in mind, we designed this horizontal logo to be used either freestanding, connected to a left edge, or inside a cool square block like the period at the end of a sentence.

Since the brightly-lit event photos are the star of the show, we needed something that could show off any event AOO comes up with. A transparent white overlay works over any dramatic backdrop and ensures that no matter where they place their logo now, it looks incredible. It works over video, as in the branded motion piece we created for the homepage of The rebrand also unites the different areas of the company, such as on the separate website we created for AOO Floral.