Building an Authentic LGBTQ Marketing Strategy

Client: New Orleans Tourism

When we first began working alongside New Orleans Tourism and Marketing Corporation (NOTMC), we needed to do a complete audit of what they had been doing before. The audit revealed that NOTMC’s online presence was outdated, politically incorrect terminology pervaded, and the simple marketing tactic of “slap a rainbow flag on it” wasn’t showing the authentic New Orleans we know it to be. To sum it up: the city’s LGBTQ voice was missing. Communify’s goal was to bring New Orleans to the forefront of LGBTQ travelers’ minds – and not just for the party scene. To do that, a larger voice within the community was needed.

Our first step involved creating a task force of LGBTQ local leaders to help us form a baseline to ensure our work was authentic. Then, we created a strategy for custom content that tapped into local and national influencers. In addition, we developed unique video ideas, and newsletters.

Our second step was to amp up NOTMC’s photography by giving it more life and a more up-to-date feel. The images created have since been used across platforms and channels. And the work just keeps getting better. From fun, travel-friendly newsletters and sweepstakes to telling stories of New Orleans’ rich LGBTQ history, we’ve already helped make a big impact, and we’ve only just begun.

The Results:

Voted by GayCities 2017 and 2018 #2
Most Welcoming
City in America
A 1,680% increase
in month-over-month conversions
(from 32 to 570 conversions) after
optimizing a generic landing page
for an LGBTQ audience


One Time In New Orleans banners each tell a story with photography

The New Orleans Tourism Marketing Corporation has been delighted and enlightened through our partnership with Communify. Our LGBT marketing strategy was lackluster until their team breathed fresh air into a campaign we had not given much thought to in previous years. Now we believe we are in much better shape to compete with other destinations for the important LGBT market. It is the right thing to do for the LGBT community and the right thing to do for our industry.

Mark Romig, President and CEO