Digital Executions

Communify has extensive experience building digital and print campaigns for our clients. These ads sometimes follow the direction from other teams, which we then version out per the messaging of our specific marketing needs and other times the concepts are completely original. We do custom animation, illustration and video, as well as strategic messaging and copywriting. Finally, we code these banners so that they seamlessly work across all your user’s devices.



We can resize and use existing video in a creative way, adding design elements or intentional cropping to tell a story for banners of all sizes.

Smithsonian 970

Combat Sports 300 x 600

Combat Sports 300 x 250

On mobile platforms, video cannot autoplay, but we will convert video into sprite animations which give a similar look and feel.



GIFs are a good way to show a few frames of an important message that will repeat over and over again, or using motion to draw your attention to the unit.

Atlantis Cruises

Showtime New Series



We can animate illustration, text, graphics and more in unique ways to make engaging banners.

Showtime – Billions

Showtime – The L Word: Generation Q

Showtime – Work In Progress

Showtime – Hotel App


Static Designs

Our graphic design team can create designs that are impactful even when static. We focus on minimizing the clutter and directing the user to a CTA.

Showtime – Hotel App

Showtime – Shameless

We also have experience working with Linkedin to create visuals that work for that platform.



Our team designs custom eblasts to get our client’s customers to move further down the funnel and convert. Knowing that these emails are going out to people who already have engaged with us, we can make our messaging more targeted. We also code these emails to seamlessly work across all email clients.

Showtime – Emmys 2016

Smithsonian – Apollo 11

Showtime – Good Lord Bird

Showtime – Monthly Variety Eblast


Print Design

Printed pieces aren’t dead and can be an effective way at reaching certain audiences. We are happy to supply examples at your request.